Florida Retirement System (FRS)
Employees of the State Attorney’s Office have two choices of retirement plans: The FRS Pension Plan and the FRS Investment Plan.
The Pension Plan provides a formula-based retirement benefit based on years of service at retirement. New hires with no prior FRS contributions will be based on the highest eight years of pay, and a percentage value based on their FRS membership class. An individual must have a total of eight (8) years of creditable service with the State of Florida to become vested under the Pension Plan. After 33 years of service or age 65, they will be eligible to draw a monthly pension check.
Under the Investment Plan, the employee decides how to allocate contributions to one or more of the plan’s investment funds. An individual must have a total of one (1) year of creditable service with the State of Florida to become vested under the Investment Plan. For more information on these plans, visit the Florida Retirement System website at www.MyFRS.com.
Employees of the State Attorney’s Office are entitled to participate in a wide variety of group insurance plans. Open enrollment in the Health plans and supplemental plans occur annually and notification of the open enrollment period is announced. During the open enrollment period, employees may enroll in plans for the first time or change their enrollment from one plan to another. Detailed information about the benefits for State employees can be found at www.myflorida.com/mybenefits.
The image below shows a breakdown of the total compensation package for an Assistant State Attorney making a $60,000 salary:

Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program
Assistant State Attorneys may receive loan forgiveness under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program administered through the U.S. Department of Education. The PSLF Program was established to encourage individuals to enter and continue to work full-time in public service jobs. Under this program, Assistant State Attorneys qualify for forgiveness of the remaining balance due on their federal loans after they make 120 qualifying payments on those loans while employed by our office. Many Assistant State Attorneys have benefitted from this program, and received relief of up to $387,000 in loans.
Annual Leave
Vacation leave accrual per month is based on years of service:
0 – 2 Years: 8 hours 40 minutes per month (13 days per year)
3 Years: 10 hours per month (15 days per year)
4 – 9: Years 13 hours 20 minutes per month (20 days per year)
Over 9 years: 16 hours 40 minutes per month (25 days per year)
Employees who have worked for this agency, or another Florida Governmental Agency, may be eligible to use the prior service to enhance vacation accrual rates.
One day (8 hours) of annual leave will be granted to each employee per year in recognition of his/her anniversary date of employment.
Sick Leave
All full-time employees shall earn 8 hours and 40 minutes of sick leave for each full calendar month on employment.
The State of Florida, as provided by Section 110.17, Florida Statutes, observes nine (9) paid holidays and provides one (1) personal leave day. This State Attorney’s Office also observes all court holidays.